Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Lone Star State

We had a fantastic visit to Texas!   On Saturday, Jennifer and Andy had us out to their newly renovated house for lunch and watch the Belmont Stakes.  Then, we went to Jay and Kim's for a hot dog dinner and relaxing out by the pool.  Aunt Mimi and Uncle PaPa were kind enough to have out Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Les and Karen over Sunday.  We appreciate them making the day trip over to Plano to see us.  Monday was spent playing around the house.  Kevin and I took Trenton on a run to Eldarado Park near a house I lived in briefly before moving out to Georgia, and Bennett was Mommy's morning buddy as we walked the neighbhorhood street at dawn.  That time change kept us out of the heat at least!  :)  There were so many bunnies around there!  We thought 7 was a lot the first morning, but there were 16 the next!  Bennett always got a kick out of seeing them and would point while making his cute, "huh?"  Aunt Mimi would take him out throughout the day looking for them.  Thanks Maddens for being great hosts and hostesses!  We always look forward to our Texas trips and visiting with both Granna and Opa's sides of the family!
 Bennett and Uncle PaPa
 We found the perfect hang out under the shade tree.
 Who needs toys?  Paint brushes occupied Trenton at Jennifer and Andy's house.  He even talked the girlies into painting the shed with him for a little while.
 That is, if they weren't helping with Bennett.  :)  Trenton liked Jay throwing him in the pool.
The boys made themselves right at home.  :)
 Nose.  Bennett likes to point to noses or mouths and have you say the words.
 And he is so loving.  He gives the best hugs.
 When Opa's not around, his sister and brother sure know how to step in.
 Play time with Uncle Les.
We enjoyed meeting Karen, Uncle Les' new wife.
 We swam during the day.  We swam at night.  The pool was a favorite place!
 Trenton and Kelsey were fish this trip.
 Bennett even swam some.
 Trenton loved the diving board, too.
 There were always hands to help with Ashely, Emily and Kelsey around.
 Cuddle time with Jennifer
 Media Room wind down after an afternoon of swimming.
 Two little buds....Aunt Mimi and Bennett
 What's so funny, Bennett?  Aunt Mimi or Curious George?
 Thank Aunt Mimi and Uncle PaPa for babysitting while we went to watch Emily's volleyball match.
Tired boys after this fun trip!  They sure were troopers staying up later than usual and attempting to sleep in as much as they could.  Trenton took long naps like usual waking late in the evening but could never catch up.  He slept until almost 9:00 the morning after returning home and this is late for him! 

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