Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

Boy oh boy was it a rainy 4th!  Kevin, Brad and I still ran the Peachtree Roadrace that morning, but as for the boys going down there to watch the festivities, that didn't happen.  They stayed dry with Granna, and Opa braved the rain and took the runners downtown.  The race itself was perfect and during our hour of it, it was not raining.  We were certainly glad to have a lower number and be in the F category.  Once back home, we took the boys to brunch at J. Christophers and just hung out around the house.  The rain continued throughout the day so it didn't seem worth dragging two little ones out in the mess.  We decided to make the day even wetter by having our own water fun at the house. 
Picture woman (mom) was not able to photograph the race.  Sorry, this is the best I can do without paying a fortune to order marathon photos.  :)
Bennett played peek a boo with Daddy while Trenton was still napping.
He would crawl behind the chair and then scurry over to him laughing the entire time.  After B laid a big wet one on Daddy, he went back to do it all again. 
It never got old!
Momma filled up water balloons.
Trenton loves water balloons and was thrilled to find the surprise waiting for him once he woke up from his nap.  Bennett liked them, too, but I think he just thought they were balls.
We couldn't keep the umbrella over Bennett and it started really pouring in the midst of our water balloon fight. 
We tried and tried, but Daddy came to the rescue!
Trenton could care less about the rain.  He soon dropped the umbrella for double fisting water balloons.  He'd throw them, stomp on them, squeeze them....he always got a kick out of each pop!
Disregard the missing pants.  This is how he woke up from his nap so this is how he stayed since it was rainy.
Bennett loved watching, but.....
he just couldn't resist the fun!  He had to get back out there and play again!
 After baths and putting Bennett to bed, we did sparklers with Trenton.  Again, it was misting (such a dreary day!) but it didn't put a damper on our fun! 
It cracks me up how he still doesn't have pants on!  Oops!  We threw on a t-shirt after baths for painting.  We were searching indoor, quiet activities because B was already in bed.  I swear, we do get him fully dressed!  We're not that redneck!  Haha!

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