Tuesday, July 23, 2013


We have loved our Atlanta Botanical Gardens membership.  The good thing is, none of our friends have passes there so we're always up for bringing peeps along with us.  The Rutkowskis were able to go this time and Trenton had the best time with their oldest boy, Carter.  They were all boy and chasing each other around.  Little William chased them along and poor Bennett was stuck in the stroller for most of the time.  We splashed in the fountain....no pics this time because I was manning Bennett so that he didn't get knocked around.....but plenty from the children's area and ground.  We did the canopy walk this time and got to see even more of the Imaginary World exhibits. 
 Upclose or from a distance, this creation was amazing!
 Two boys excited to be exploring the Gardens! 
 Trenton and Carter play pretend behind the window.
 Trenton hides from Carter.
 Where is Trenton?
 Checking out the fish fountain and frog pond. 
 No matter the month, I love the blooming flower beds!
 Trenton and Carter hiking down the paths.
Can wait to see the next special features after the Imaginary Worlds is over.  Someone is talented!

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