Monday, July 8, 2013

Food Trucks

We met Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn at Marietta's Food Trucks for dinner.
Trenton took this picture while we were waiting for Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn.  I was surprise that it came out so good.  Usually it's either a picture of my knees or a complete blur.  Way to go T!
 We had tacos and fried cauliflower.  Strange combination but we sampled two things from the different trucks. 
 Trenton got a chocolate popsicle after dinner, but Bennett was the one who really ate it.  He's just like the rest of us and loves chocolate!


  1. Bennett looks just like Kevin's dad, especially in this picture with the fudgicle. Does anyone else says that?

  2. Yes! People in Brenda's circle of friends have said that.
