Saturday, July 13, 2013

On the Boat Again!

Thank goodness for the sun!  We were sick of this rainy summer!  We had tons of fun at the lake this weekend, and it was extra nice seeing Aunt Vicki and Nathan.  We love our houseboat weekends and extended family time!
Playing hide and seek with the teenagers.  The 3 cousins were sitting on the washing machine waiting to be found.  Not everyone (Trenton) was happy when I opened the door to take a quick picture. 
 Back to hiding.  Where are those kids?  The big kids were such troopers playing with the little ones.
 Morning slides and swims before taking the houseboat out.
 Wee!  This is lots of fun!
 Trenton was dying to swim.  He could only convince Riley to do it this early with him.
 1.....2.....3......go!  He's not scared of heights apparently!
 We built a fort on the top of the houseboat.

Bennett liked showing off his walking skills this weekend.  He's all walker these days!  GiGi and PaPaw hadn't seen it yet.  And of course, he is still such a smiler!
 He liked the older boys' fort so joined right in.
He wouldn't let go of the ladder golf balls, though.  He loves those things!  (I think Bennett looks like his cousins here, especially Hutch and Riley.)
 Practicing for kneeboarding and learning how to squirt that brother back!
Bennett will be out there tubing with his brother and cousins before we know it!  As for now, it's just a fun toy to climb in on the top of the boat.
Trenton supervises as Daddy and Uncle Ryan tie up the houseboat.  Bennett is ready for a ski boat adventure!  So far, he is tolerating the life jacket well.
 It's always nice to stay on the houseboat and watch the skiers down in the cove, especially when it is the younger kids naptime.
 It was a beautiful Saturday to float.
We're trying to acclimate Bennett to the water again.  He just isn't a big fan anymore and is scare to death.  Poor little guy!  Coach Tom!!!
 Trenton loves climbing on the rafts then jumping off them.
 Daddy took Trenton on a jet ski ride after his nap.
 Zoom!  They flew right by us on the top of the houseboat!
 More sliding!  This time with Daddy and Chase.
 So much fun!  I've got to take him to White Water!  I know he would love the slides there!
 The moon came up as evening set.  It was a pretty view.
Trenton and Chase took their 1st lake bath!  It was funny because after they were sudded up, Kevin told them to jump in to rinse off.  Trenton said, "I can't!  I'll sink.  I don't have pants on."  I'm glad he has it instilled in him that he must wear a life jacket.  Safety is very, very important up there!

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