Friday, June 28, 2013

Our Actual Anniversary!

Best morning so far!  The sun was shining, and we were ready to celebrate our 5th anniversary. We spent the day back down on Sugar Beach.  This time it was the full day.  We caught the first shuttle down in the morning and the last one back late in the afternoon.  We brought books, snorkel gear, and lots of sunscreen! 
 The bright sunshine definitely made the water looks the bluest so far. (Again, pic from our that it's right in front of us each morning when we wake!)
 Although the plunge pool was cool, it felt nice and refreshing this warm, sunny morning.
We enjoyed the view of below, not only the mountains and bay, but the lush plants growing on the hillside.
 The pool was a perfect size with a bench and tables.  You could sit and look straight out to St. Lucia!
The juice was passion fruit this morning.  How perfect for our anniversary celebration!  We brought to-go glasses back to the room after breakfast for the swim and toasted to many more years together.  It was special to relax around the suite and not feel rushed before catching the shuttle for the beach. 
We enjoyed snorkeling at the Marine Reserve area below the Petite Piton.  There were lots of fish of all sizes and colors.  

We took a break from the sun and had lunch at the Sugar Beach Resort.  It was perhaps Kevin's best meal!  Good ol' southerns love their fried fish sandwiches. :)
Our view from the lunch table.
 Full bellies and a day in the sun, lead to naps in the shade.  Love it!
 Getting dressed for our reservation at Hotel Chocolat across the street from Ladera.
We made special reservations at Boucan.  Everything on their menu uses cocoa in some way.  Who doesn't love chocolate?
Although we missed sunset with our 7:00 reservation, we were able to witness the sky darkening which was pretty in its own way.
 The ambience was fantastic at Boucan.  It is situated higher than Ladera so gives its own unique view.  However, you cannot see the Gros Piton or bay below, just the Petite Piton. 
I had a wonderful dinner!  It was my first non-seafood selection all week.  The cocoa encrusted pork tenderloin was cooked to perfection and the chocolate mashed potatoes were heavenly.  Loved every bite!  (But, don't ask Kev about his dinner this night.  His steak left much to be desired.  Oops!)  Needless to say, we have indifferent feelings about the restaurant but we both had a good time together.  Man, we are getting spoiled having dinner just the two of us!  We are so used to placing orders when we first sit down, entertaining the entire time we are at the restaurant, having children climb on us, and rushing through dinner.  We're going to enjoy this while we can!

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