Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sweatbands and Runs

Let me preface.  A long time ago I bought Trenton a sweat band because he liked a girl at the sitters head band.  Ever since, it has been sitting in the garage because I have forgotten to give it to him.  On the weekends, K and I swap turns to run so one of us is at the house with the boys.  This day, Kevin was ready for his jog after mine, and he put on a sweat band, which he never wears, because it was misting outside.  Trenton had already decided to go on the run with Kevin in the stroller.  I remembered the sweat band and pulled it out of the garage for Trenton.  He was so excited!  Not only did Kevin get one run in, but Trenton made him run in the evening, too, because Trenton just had to wear his sweatband.  And, Trenton decided he was going to actually run beside K this time. Now, everytime Trenton wants to run, he thinks he has to wear his sweat band and everytime he puts on his sweat band, he thinks he has to run.  It's hilarious! 
 Morning Run and Evening Jog.....Trenton is a work out buddy!
 Ok, so he has a little energy to burn.  Glad they are going for this run!
Trenton takes the lead as he rounds the curve. 

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