Thursday, July 11, 2013

Swim 2 Tom

Tom Bradbury is famous nationwide for his swim lessons.  He presents a tough love approach with 100% cry rate on day 1 and 100% success at the end.  He's been doing it for 55+ years and flew in from San Diego for the lessons.  It is by recommendation only, and we were thankful to get in on a cancellation.  It is 7 consecutive day program with the last two days having parents participate in the class.  Let's just say Trenton received an A+.  He did cry briefly in the middle of the first day saying, "Mommy, get me!  Get me!"  I beared my grin like I was told and survived day 1.  From then on, he loved it!  He couldn't wait to go each day.  It was the highlight of his day for sure.  He even put on a hat at our house a couple days in and said he was Coach Tom.  What a compliment to the 80 year old man, who is usually dreaded by kids!  On day 4, Coach Tom instructed me to strip Bennett down and hand him to him.  I followed orders and watch my 13 month old hold his breath for 10 seconds and swim!  Amazing!  Bennett came up completely confused.  They did it once more.  Bennett pouted out his bottom lip and reached for me crying.  Then, he proceeded to throw up.  Coach Tom said that was completely normal and no big deal.  As for Bennett and pools.....well, let's just say his smile has been turned upside down.  He is no longer a big fan.  His grip tightens, and he immediately lays his head on my shoulder for comfort.  I think he was a little too young.  On the other hand, Trenton can swim without his puddle jumper!  I'm so proud of both my boys for swimming to Coach Tom!
That is not Bennett.  It is another boy in the swim lesson.

Pretty amazing!

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