Sunday, September 22, 2013

Riding at the River

Bennett appeared to be skipping his morning nap today so we loaded bikes up and went down by the Chattahoochee for a family bike ride.  It's flat there so we thought Trenton would be able to handle it.  Bennett rode on the back of Daddy's bike and I stayed with Trenton.  We tried to stay together but it was a little difficult for Daddy who wanted to go fast to keep B happy.  After a couple miles in and Daddy turning around every so often we told him to go on and we'd meet him back at the car.  It was a good time but as Trenton's legs get stronger, it will be even better.  I certainly felt like we were creeping along most of the time.  However, we were impressed that he was able to ride the 3 miles that he did.  Looking forward to many family bike rides in the future!   
 The boys look out onto the river as they eat their string cheese snack before the big ride.
 They were anxious for the ride!
 Daddy unloaded the bikes from the rack and we were set to go!
 Trenton was the first one ready!
 The paved path was flat and shady.  It was a perfect ride!
 Bennett enjoyed his first ride, although Kevin said he looked back at the end and his head was down on the bar.  He was sound asleep.
 Here's the daze before drifting to sleep.  There's something about that fall breeze in your hair......well, and the fact that you skipped out on a morning nap so are real sleepy now.  :)
 Oh, he reenergized quickly.  Apparently it was immediately after Kevin got him out.  Bennett is full speed on playgrounds these days. 
 Then he thinks he can do everything his big brother can.  So fun to watch!
They having each other to play with.  They truly are the perfect distance apart! 

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