Sunday, October 13, 2013

Go Bengals!

Flag football started.  It is hilarious.  The kids don't quite grasps the concept of "flag" football.  I think Trenton's first play was a tackle.  Nevertheless, they are a hoot to watch!  The boys enjoy themselves thoroughly.  At the age of 3, the game consists of simply passing the ball off so that every player on the team has a chance to run towards the endzone.  The challenge at this age is running in the right direction, staying in bounds and not taking your own players flags.  We are learning and having a blast in the process!
 Trenton and two of his close friends, Hudson and Sawyer.

Trenton is ready for his hand off. 
 Off he goes! 
He was grinning from ear to ear for the entire game.  This pic cracks me up!  One boy is giving the other team a stern look, another is crying, and then there's Trenton sporting the dimples. 
 He loved the huddles!
And "Go Bengals!" chants topped that!
 No one knew how to do this at the end of the game.  The Bengals never walked to meet their opponents.  Finally, as the Bengals stood as still as statues, the blue team walked passed them.  At least they knew to stick their hands out.   
 We are so glad the Powell boys are on the team with us!  Their daddy, Coach Justin, is the coach. 
 Opa and Granna came to watch and help with Bennett, who loved "picnicking" but having the playground in sight is going to be a challenge. 
We just had to do the "Go Bengals" chant one more time before leaving.  Like I said, it's Trenton's favorite part of football....haha!

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