Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Great to Be a Georgia Bulldog!

It's great to be a Georgia Bulldog, even when you lose.  We took a family trip to Nashville, TN to go to the UGA/Vandy game.  It was going to be Trenton's 1st SEC game, and these are always fun games to attend since Kevin's brother and wife went to VU.  Unfortunately, the weather was crummy, as well as the outcome.  It rained on and off throughout the game and it was cold, and it has certainly been a year of injuries for the Dawgs.  Consequently there have been some disappointing outcomes; losing to Vandy is one of them.  Nevertheless, we had fun attending the event and tailgating with friends and family.
 Bennett was such a cute, little bulldog, but he stayed at the house with GiGi.  A one year old is not going to sit well through a football game when stairs are in sight.  Thanks, GiGi! 
 Trenton was a huge rocket fan at the tailgate.  I hope Santa is listening.  :)
 Tailgating has changed with these additions....Chase, Brooks, Trenton and Riley.
 Trenton and Mommy
 Daddy was so sweet.  He helped keep Trenton entertained so that Mommy could enjoy the game.
 We had great seats!  Front row baby!
 That meant Trenton could stand right in front of us and move.  Lucky duck!
The view from our seats. 
 Soon, T crashed.  But, he made it to the 4th quarter, which was 3 quarters longer than the G-Day game in April where he slept through the entire thing.
 Bennett took a wonderful nap with GiGi so he was full of steam once we got back.  Trenton on the other hand, slept over 5 hours for his nap.  We began to think he was down for the night.  That's what happens when you get into town late the night before and go to bed at midnight then attend a football game the following morning.  
 This happy boy loved playing outside.
He just wondered how he was going to shoot hoops like his older 2nd cousin Nathan and his girlfriend Shelby. 

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