Monday, October 7, 2013

Mini Golf

Putt-Putt was the best idea for outdoor play after a rainy night.  It was perfect!  We were one of three groups there the entire time.  The boys could play, explore, take their time and then rush through holes--all depending on what they were in the mood for.  Granna, Opa and I took turns golfing and keeping the boys.  Trenton asked Granna and Opa on the ride home if they could go back there next Thursday. 
 Bennett liked to drop his balls in the hole as much as hitting the ball.  
 We were able to take snack breaks throughout the 18 hole course.
 Opa tries to give the boys pointers.  I mean, Opa did get 3 hole in ones!
Bennett also would steal our balls and not want to give them back.  Here he sports one in each hand.

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