Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Rock Ranch

If you haven't been there, go!  It is the coolest place for kids and the perfect way to spend a Saturday in the fall.  It is well worth the hour and half drive each way for the smile on the boy's faces and to spend time with our family and friends.  We are so glad the Scarbrough/Schappeler clan joined us this year!
 The acreage is beautiful!
 The boys check out the old timey car.
 The train track circles the in field area.  It was cowboy day this Saturday so we witness several wild west encounters/shows.
 The cow tractor was fun!
 Erich and Trenton enjoying the pull.
 Bennett went on his 1st pony ride.  He liked it so much that we went on another one right after.
 Trenton enjoyed the pony ride as well.
 Opa galloped to keep up! 
 This is what we get for not taking the boys to the beach this year!  Almost an hour of sand time! 
 Erich and I peddled to push the boys around the peddle cart race track.
 We rode the train around the ranch.
 The little tikes town is always a big hit with our imaginitive boys.
 Trenton plays Dr. Sam giving the sermon in the little town church.
 And then he gives the prayer.  :)
 Bennett is such an attentive student in the schoolhouse!
 Did anyone call 911?  He comes Trenton the firefighter ready to help.  He was definitely into this activity.  Recently, Firefighter Jackie had come to his preschool and then the firetruck showed up on Granna and Opa's hill helping a teenager who had broken his coller bone skateboarding the next day.     
 Trenton successfully manurved the power wheel John Deer tractors around the Cowadega Speedway.
 Moo!  Bennett had fun climbing on the cow. 
 Trenton and Daddy shot corn husks at targets.
 Bennett relaxed on Opa's lap listening to the western singers and then looked for fish in the pond.
 Trenton sure was happy about the fresh strawberry ice cream from the creamery.
 The creamery had a cute produce section and outdoor sitting area.
 Trenton works his way through his enormous cone.   
Trenton was sweet to share a lick of his ice cream cone with Bennett.
 Relaxing and crashing from a long, fun day at the ranch!

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