Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10: Food

I am thankful for food.  Yes, I love to eat and I enjoy going out for nice dinners, but that is not what I'm referring to.  And, it seems silly and obvious, but food in general is easily taken for granted.  I was snack mom for Trenton's flag football team; we walked into Costco like it was no big deal......not everyone has these luxuries.  We are blessed to live in a country where hungry is less of a concern, or is it?  We definitely are not one of the underprivileged countries whose entire population is suffering from starvation, yet hunger exists for thousands all around us.  Which brings me to a new point.  I am thankful for the organizations striving to end hunger, the shelters who provide meals and the ministries that gather nonperishable items to donate.  I admire their will to help those in need. 

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