Saturday, November 30, 2013

Football Afternoon

We pulled out tailgating food for the football games.  Here's momma's attempt at the turkey snack.  It looked much better on Pinterest....haha!  Oh well!  It was still eaten and that's what is important.  We took a little intermission at halftime to finish cleaning up leaves and the flower beds and then enjoyed a Chili bar afterwards. 
 Everyone helping me.
 My lame turkey. 
 Trenton and Chase were big helpers, bagging the leaves with Daddy and PaPaw.
 Bennett tried to do his share, too. 
 They all had fun playing in the mound of leaves. 
Bennett on the phone with AJ trying to figure out what the heck is going on in the Alabama game.  I believe I am still in shock over the loss.  On the other hand, I'm glad Georgia pulled off the win in double overtime.  We saw Hutson Mason play several times in high school at Lassiter that it's neat to watch him at UGA now. 

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