Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ikea Mission

Ikea is a great store, but it can be overwhelming.  However, this Sat. we had nothing to do.  Our boys were getting over the flu, and I was afraid to take them to our scheduled birthday party and holiday party for fear that they might spread germs.  I will not be that mom!  So Kevin and I (Well, really me because the toys were driving me nuts!) decided to take a quick trip to Ikea for another playroom storage shelf.  We had received Christmas checks from Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Les & Karen and thought this would be the perfect way to spend the money.  The rest of the day was spent putting away Christmas decorations, assembling the shelf and reorganizing the toys.  I'd say it paid off!  I was very happy with the end result!
 Trenton playing at Ikea.  He loves this canopy chair.!
 The boys "helping" Daddy assemble the book shelf.
 The playroom with the newest shelf addition.
 It matches perfectly with our previous shelf from the old house.
They boys are happy with their neat and tidy playroom.  Trenton knows each crate has a theme and where things go now.  He might not be the best at always picking up after himself, but at least he knows.  :)

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