Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cooped Inside...Ain't No Thing!

It was a flash back to the flu this week.  Well, thankfully no one was sick, but we pretty much lived in pjs and didn't leave the house for almost a week.  There was no reason to risk it with the snow, and inside play was just as fun.  The boys enjoyed playing together and exploring new toys from Christmas or Trenton's birthday.  I loved this cooped up time with them.  No errands, no driving, just good ol' play. 
 Playing remote control cars together.  Placing quarters in Trenton's US Quarter Collection Map book.
 Playing switch and goes dinos. 
 Jumping in the good ol' bounce house.  We leave a room in the basement devoted to it for the winter months.  It's perfect!
 Just the two of us!  We have so much fun together!!
 We got out the marble run. It was Bennett's 1st time playing it and he loved it!  He also is a big fan on the fishing puzzle.  (We found the magnetic rod inside the marble run box so now can do the puzzle again!)
Daddy still had to work, but the boys chilled with him in the evenings after he was home from work. 

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