Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday, Trenton!

Can Trenton really be 4 years old already?!  He woke up this morning and we had a few birthday surprises for him to open.  Notice Bennett on the floor.  He was so funny.  Up until this point, he could have cared less about presents.  Well, he obviously wanted to open Trenton's, and he was very sensitive to us telling him no.  He threw himself down crying.  Little did he know he had presents, too, but he had to wait to open them until Daddy was out of the shower.   Trenton brought Bennett his presents but he still just laid there during the opening session.  Trenton had preschool today so we sent special oreo ball treats.  He also got to bring some of his favorite items.  We sent his case with Batman, his cape made by Great Grandma, LCR game and his Braves baseball cap.  It was hard to choose.  :)  Granna and Opa surprised him at school and Granna was their class' mystery reader today.  He got to go home with them afterward.  Once he woke from naps, we went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner.  It was a fun day! 
 Opening the light up ninja turtle lasers.
 Attacking the other presents.
 Still laying on the ground but playing with his toy. 
 Mommy gets to help.
 How old are you?
 Sporting lots of his new gear all at once!
 new sunglasses, a raincoat, light up laser beam, and ninja turtle disk shooter (the hand thing!)

 Trenton was so proud to be a big 4 year old.   
 Since it was raining, we got use out of the new raincoats (Bennett got one, too!) Peek a boo, Bennett!  Trenton loves to play that with his little brother!
 Bennett adores Trenton and Trenton constantly loves on Bennett.  They are the best of buds!
 Splashing in the puddles before going to Mellow Mushroom. 
 Follow the leader.....

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