Friday, March 28, 2014

Chuck E. Cheese

Trenton saw a commercial about Chuck E. Cheese this morning, and asked if we could go.  I told him that would be a great idea since next week is spring break.  However, I learned tonight was Chuck E. Cheese night for our school's fundraiser.  So, I surprised Trenton by taking him this afternoon.  Both boys enjoyed the excitement there.
Trenton has never once thought twice about character mascots.  Instantly he runs to them and is all grins.  Bennett likes them, but definitely stands his distance and gives him a complete stare down.  Don't expect him to show much emotion at all with them.  It is so funny how they are extremely different in this aspect. 
 Piloting the jet.
 Shooting water at the target and riding the roller coaster.
 Trenton hammering the groundhogs.
 Bennett riding the carousel and Trenton ready for the fierce wind inside the ticket blaster.

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