Saturday, April 5, 2014


There is something about dandelions.  Every time my boys see them, they have to pick them.  They have a great time making wishes and blowing them.  Trenton is to the point that after a couple blows, he pulls the rest off with his hand and tells you it is easier that way.  Bennett could care less.  He is just anxious to pick them and practically jumps out of your arms (or stroller) at the sight.   
We have a gorgeous dogwood tree on the edge of our lawn.  It is in full bloom right now.  The boys like to hang items from it because they are not quite big enough to climb it yet, but they are able to barely reach the lowest limbs (Trenton at least.)  They definitely work in its flower canopy.  I had to take a picture of the brilliant blossom before they fall off!

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