Sunday, April 20, 2014

Reason for the Season (of Easter!)

We certainly have enjoyed the Easter season.  Trenton was curious about much more this year.  We read books about the story of Jesus and why we celebrate Easter.  He wanted the stories retold night after night.  It was a great learning experience for him.  It was amazing the questions he thought of (Why is a purple cloth on the cross?.....when we passed a church) and how his little mind worked.  He liked waving the palm branches on Palm Sunday, learning more about Jesus, and celebrating Easter with our family.  We are thankful for this day, for the life we have, for the forgiveness of sins, and for the acknowledgement of Jesus.    
Trenton made this sign with Ms. Buckler.  It was so cute!
 The Easter Bunny came!
 Trenton's basket
 Bennett's basket.
 The boys were excited to seeing and look through their goodies.
Bennett ready to eat his M&M candy treats.
 We tell him later after lunch and he moves on the next items.....a choo-choo!!
 Trenton is delighted to get a new batman.  We tend to misplace these little guys (and catwoman, the bad guy in his storybook) comes with this pack. 
 The mess they created!
 Outside on the hunt. 
Bennett had to hunt in his boots.
 Running aroud the flower beds looking for hidden eggs.
 Trenton got excited each time he would see and egg across the yard.  They thought this hole in the ground was the Easter Bunny's home.   
 They hollered into the hole asking the bunny to bring back more eggs.  Trenton must have learned bunnies live in burrows from school because we really had not talked about it before.  Clever little boy...and his little brother caught rigth on to it! 
 Tearing into the eggs....chocolate, slinkies, bouncy balls, stickers, balloons....lots of fun goodies!
 Family Easter pictures in front of my parent's azealeas.
 The boys with Granna and Opa after early service.
 Trenton and Bennett (Easter Sunday 2014....age 4 and 1)  I'm so glad it warmed up over night so Bennett could wear his Easter Bunny John John.  It was too cold yesterday at the egg hunt.
 Digging into Granna and Opa's baskets to them.
 Bennett playing with Berkely after Granna's yummy brunch.
 Trenton and Bennett with Aunt Jacquelyn. 
 They boys with Uncle Brad.  It was such a treat to spend the day with them. 
 Trenton playing with one of his favorite Easter toys, hist 1st bow and arrow set.
Going to bed with their flashlight friends.  We've recently started saying prayers and reading books as a family in Trenton's room.  Then, we take the boys to their own rooms (Kevin and I divide and conquer.)  The boys really like this, especially Bennett.

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