Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend at Boat

We had a nice, relaxing weekend with Kevin's family at the houseboat in Tennessee.
 Trenton joking around with the adult life vests.  The first thing he wanted to do Saturday morning was take the jetskis out.
 PaPaw and Trenton and Daddy and Bennett explored the lake.
 Then we swam off the back of the houseboat squirting each other.
 We took a lunch break and Trenton and Bennett played 20 Questions with GiGi.
 When Uncle Ryan got there with his family, more excitement came.  Uncle Ryan wrestled with the kids in the water.
 Uncle Ryan was the bad guy.
 They all fought him.
 He'd sneak up on the tube from underwater and scare the kids.  They loved it!
 After swimming, we took the houseboat for a cruise.
 Hutch points something out to Bennett.  They are becoming better buds by the day.
 Bennett has the right idea lounging on the front.  He was "taking pictures".
 All the cousins.
 Daddy driving momentarily (and of course, Trenton and Bennett helping him.)
 Bennett loves to climb on the tubes and play with the ladder golf balls.
 The water table is still a big hit.  I'm so glad he knows how to use these squirters this year!  Makes life easier!
 Playing Hungry Hungry Hippos on the top bar area.
 Drawing Indy car driver names for betting on the Indianapolis 500.  It seems to have become a recent tradition at the houseboat since Kevin's family if from Indiana.
 Bennett pulling Hutch.
Kevin's driver won!  Bennett convinced Daddy to take him out on the jetski again while his brother was still napping.  It was a gloomy Sunday so this was the first time out on the water this day.
 But luckily, it all cleared off by later afternoon.  Time for wakeboarding and water skiing!  I love how Chase and Trenton have their arms around each other!
 4 of the cousins super happy to be out on the ski boat.
 Bennett was so cute in his little life vest--boy does he remind me of Trenton at this age!
 Bennett sitting with GiGi while we ride.
 Riley, Trenton and Bennett watching all of Daddy's amazing tricks.
 Bennett laughed the first couple flips.  Then he started asking for more.  By the end he was shouting wow.
 Trenton was beyond excited to ski.  He was like this last Memorial Day weekend, but then was never too excited about it the rest of the summer.  He skied 4 times in a four this day without falling.  We'd go through the whole cove and out to where the finger joins the main section of the lake, turn around and drop him by Daddy, who was in the water from the start.....and do it again, again, and again.  Finally, we convinced him to stop.  Haha!
 He was just as happy about his 8 am ski run the following morning.....and in the rain!!!
 Trenton loves this, too.
 The cousins tubing together.  Who knows what they are talking about, but they always look at each other during the pull.  It appears Trenton is doing the talking.  Go figure!
 Bennett got out there for the first time.  He couldn't stand to watch and not experience.
 Kevin rode with him, of course, in the tube.  (There's the Crimson Commodore in the background!)
 Making brownies and homemade ice cream back at the houseboat.
 The rain was back Monday.  The cousins built a fort with the chair pillows and didn't skip a beat in their fun!

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