Sunday, May 4, 2014

One Proud Soccer Mom!

We had Trenton's soccer finale today.  They played their last game and Trenton was a star!  He scored 5 or 6 goals himself (Opa got some quick videos we will have to share!) and his team dominated!  Trenton was stopping the ball perfectly to keep it in bounds and dribbling under control all the way down the field to the goal.  He'd aim and quickly kick for the goal.  It has been so fun watching him progress.  He literally is one of the best out there, and I'm not just saying that.  (I'm sure it is due to the fabulous coaching! LOL!)  Other parents were amazed at his control.  It was fun overhearing their conversations today.  Do I buy the soccer mom sticker for my car now? :)  The game concluded with an informal trophy distribution ceremony.  All the players hugged Coach Kevin afterward.  It was precious--sweet innocent 4 year olds!  Bounce houses and the Varsity trucks were set up too in celebration.  They teammates had fun playing afterward and eating good ol' burgers, dogs, fries and onion rings!   
 Listening to Coach Kevin's end of the season speech and preparing for trophy time.
Trenton loved his soccer trophy.  He couldn't wait to display it in his room.  Bennett watched.  Boy am I glad he wasn't wearing his Georgia hat!  Mr. Independent insisted one putting on his sunglasses all by himself!  :)
 Boys with their Daddy!  Trenton and his buddy Jack P. showing off their new trophy!

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