Saturday, May 3, 2014

Run for the Roses

What a beautiful day for Wagers at the Wagers, our annual Kentucky Derby party.  We loved having the space this year and sunny weather to invite some of my teaching friends and their families over.  We spent the afternoon playing cornhole, betting on horse and enjoying the company of good friends. 
 Our annual spring affair.  (AKA the horse party to Trenton!)
 We set up a betting table and drew numbers for the voting order. 
 We had a delicious spread on the dining room table.  (Kevin told me there were 3 recipes I need to get from my friends!)
 Love pinterest and all its wonderful ideas and resources!   
 Last minutes some of us decided to wear hats in true derby style.  We called Bennett's his jockey hat.  :)
 We set up blankets for all the babies....Logan, Benjamin, Aaron and fun having them around!
 The bigger kids chose their horses, too.  Donna and her kiddos Tyler and Paige watching the horse introductions. 
 Kevin with Trenton and Bennett as the horses are off!  Trenton cheered hard for his, and he won.  We just didn't let him know it was the last place prize.  :)  1st got the jar of money, 2nd got $10 and the last place horse got their $5 entry back.  Trenton was delighted his miniature plastic trophy and money. 
 I feel very blessed to be surrounded with such amazing teacher friends.  Many of them were able to make the event this year.  (Donna, Kelly, Jess, Katie, me, Stephanie, Chrissy and Cassie)
 Trenton insisted on wearing the hat and scarf for a little while.  Don't ask!
 He absolutely loved the babies and was so good with them.  He held baby Grant!
Had Baby Aaron in hysterics! 

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