Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Road to Omaha!

I have fond memories of watching the college world series with my dad growing up.  I would watch Huston Street come in from 3rd to close out Texas games, UGA pull off a fabulous run to then get upset by another set of Bulldogs (Fresno State) when they were ahead in the championship game count 1-0, I actually have heard of Cal State Fullerton, and I still swear to this day Augie Garrido was in Bora Bora at our resort during our honeymoon.  June is all about baseball, and thankfully, my boys have really been into it as well. We play it in the yard with a set of Dollar Store bases, have been watching the super regionals regularly, and dressing our finest for church.  It's the Road to Omaha!
Trenton and Opa showing hook 'em horns while watching a Texas baseball game.  Bennett ready for church.

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