Sunday, June 8, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere

It was a wet and wild Sunday after church today.  We put the boys in swim suits to play with the water table at 11 while we, I mean Kevin, washed the car.  When Bennett saw that, he was all about car washing.  Trenton liked to stick to the hose.  That was more fun to him, so needless to say, the grass got a good watering this day.  We napped and went to the pool in the afternoon.  Because Trenton did such a fabulous job swimming, we decided to take the boys for Bruster's ice cream.  What a fun family day!
 Cooling down with the water table.
 Trenton loved to fill it up (and also spray the car.)
 Soon, the car washing began.
 Bennett loved using the sponges.  He's always been one to wipe things down and play pretend.
 Dressed in jammies, we grilled out.  Notice the tongs in the back of their shirts.  Bennett was acquired Trenton's ninja tendencies so grilling and ninja turtles went hand in hand.
Bennett grills on his grill while Daddy cooks our steaks!  He's learning from the best of them!  Bruster's came after this yummy dinner.

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