Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

We took the boys out to the Braves game this evening.  What a fun night!  They were in such a summer schedule and going to bed much later than usual so we thought it was the perfect chance.  We sat in Club Level seats--a perfect place for kids because you went through the air conditioned suites hall to get to the seats.  So whenever we need to use the restroom or change Bennett, we climbed a couple rows up and were in the AC sections where the restrooms didn't have lines.  Literally, we went in them 3 times and not a sole was inside (plus they were clean as a wick!)  We also got to lounge on couches there while the boys trotted around on the carpet and games were on the TVs on the wall.  We walked this hall to the escalator that took us to the sky field.  What a beautiful sight of the ball field and skyline of Atlanta.  It was a unique part of the stadium that also has a base measured out the run from home to first.  The boys did this over 20 times and loved every (every!) minute.  We only stopped because Bennett ate it half an hour later.  From the popcorn and tomahawks to "Take Me out to the Ball Game" and the base running, the whole thing was a blast for our family!
 Trenton and Bennett outside Turner Field and ready for the Braves game!
 Trenton immediately started cheering at all the excitement.
 Bennett followed.  The atmosphere was perfect for our outgoing boys!
 Popcorn and celebrating Freddie Freeman's 3 run home run.

 Daddy bought them tomahawks because I accidentally left ours at home.
 Trenton is really into baseball now as a 4 yr old.  He loves to play in the yard and starts on a team this Aug.
 Bennett enjoys it, too, and insists on not using a tee because Trenton hits from real pitches.  Strangely enough, he makes contact a lot and is actually as good a t probably.
 Bennett at his 1st Braves game and watching from Daddy's lap.
 Venturing to the Sky Field.
 This is how far we run.  Watch us!!!
 Here comes Bennett close behind.  :)
 Now he was hilarious.  He would either run and jump on the base or come to a dead stop.  Then we'd start holler to go so the next child didn't knock him over.  Trenton was probably the next closest in age to him but not once did it phase him.
 Great view from this high up!
 Then the boys decided to run together after lots of base running.  This is when disaster struck.  B suddenly crossed in front of T and he ate it.  :(
 All fun has to come to an end at some point.  So, here's my tough boy....covered in dirt for the rest of the game, bleeding from the knee that he wouldn't let us touch and wearing a john john.  Leave it to the south!
Us before we heading back down to the seats for the remainder of the game.  They loved the fireworks that came from strike outs and the final win.  Way to go, Bravos!

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