Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mommy and Trenton's Day at Six Flags

We were adventurous today.  I took Trenton to Six Flags.  He had reached 42 in mark and that qualified him for the next bracket of rides.  (The last time we went he was only 36 in.)  I was so proud of Trenton's patience as we waited in lines, bravery as he dared crazy things for a 4 year old, and positive attitude as he began to get tired, but didn't once complain.  I think the atmosphere of this being a day for just the two of us helped.  We rode roller coasters, bumper cars, all the water rides--thunder river, log jamboree, splash river falls, twirly rides, up high rides, driving rides.....if Trenton was a of size and wanted to do it, we did it!  We had a slight rain delay mid afternoon, but lasted it out and called it a day at 5.  Skipping nap (except for a catnap on my shoulder during one line wait--he couldn't keep his eyes open but was bound and determined to do this last water ride.)    
 Yes!  I'm barely tall enough!
 Trenton after his first roller coaster ride, The Mine Train.  It was shaky, but Momma held on to him tight and he loved it.
 Driving Momma around the park.
 Riding the boat.
 Up, up and away on the hot air balloons and swings.
 It shocked me that he was tall enough for the Scream Machine, Mine Bender, and Georgia Cyclone.....those were some of the best (and only!) roller coasters I rode on growing up.
 He liked it, somewhat.  He didn't complain.  Never cried or frowned.  Plain out said, "Let's not do that one again."  I laughed and told him I thought it was way too fast for a kid his age.  Their necks just aren't strong enough.   Again, I was holding on to him the entire time as we jerked around.  At least we tried it.
And this is how Trenton flies a plane.
 Dancing at the Loony Toon block party.  Funny story.....when I said it was time to go to the Loony Toon area, Trenton said but I just want to see Bugs Bunny.   He'd never heard of Loony Toons.  My how times (and cartoons!) have changed, probably for the better.  :)
Trenton and the "real" we decided.

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