Saturday, September 27, 2014

Catcher for the Day

It is great how the coaches rotate the players through all the positions.  Today, Trenton was beyond thrilled to play catcher!  He loved dressing up in the gear and being right in the middle of the action.  It sure keeps you a bit more focused playing catcher.  :)
 Gearing up to head behind the plate as catcher!
 He was a fine little catcher and knew exactly what to do.
 We all love going to his games.  It always fun and a sight to see.  I wouldn't have wanted to miss this "dress up" game because he looked too dang cute!
 Bennett keeps himself occupied for most the time.
Hulk is all tied up!!!
 Always a time to play in the dirt!

Batter up! It was after this day that we bought him a new helmet.  It wouldn't stay in place and we had had it.  He was always having to hold on to it while running and then it would fall down randomly.
Still yet to hit coach pitch at this point.
 Go, go, go!!
 He is such a good listener and always points toward the next base.  He's definitely learning!
 Running to the next base.  Get it with a new helmet....haha!!!
 Loving every moment!
Trenton with his buddy Rylan.  They love snacks afterwards.

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