Saturday, September 6, 2014

Seadogs 1st Baseball Game

It's the Seadogs first game and Trenton first baseball game ever.  Sorry for the mass of pictures.
 Sitting on the bench after warm up waiting for the game to start.  At this age, all players are on the field, no matter the number.
 Kevin is coaching this year.  Trenton loves that.  They rotate the kids though lots of positions.  When Trenton is at first, I'm super nervous because 4 year olds don't always pay attention and other 4 year olds don't have very good aim on throws.  Outfield is perfect!
Equally as distracting with a buddy near.
 Kevin making his way to 1st base to coach.
 Trenton up at bat for the first time.  4 coach pitches, then they hit off a tee.  Majority hit from the tee at this stage.
 Running to first........
 The ball is under thrown.....
 He's safe!
 Ready to run to 2nd  base.....running the bases is his favorite thing, I believe.
 Getting a pointer or two from Coach Kevin.
 And he's off to 2nd......
 Made it!
 There Trenton goes to 3rd....
 Safe again and receiving a high five from Coach Brett.
 Ready to score.......
 And he does!
 Bennett cheers on from the sidelines.
 With Opa and Granna there, of course!
Best play of the game.....I've learning that I'm documenting the funniest each time.  The other team's player on 2nd base chased his own team's hit into the outfield forgetting they were at bat, not fielding.  Love it!

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