Sunday, October 19, 2014

ABCs of Sundays

A is for acorns..........B is for baseball................C is for Church..............We couldn't even change them out of their dress clothes before they had a ball and glove and were busy playing baseball together.  The leaves may not be down yet, but the acorns sure are, so it was a day in the yard for all of us!
 Trenton reminds me of the child from the movie Problem Child in his bowtie.
 Baseball is a regular around our house these days.
 If  you can't tell, those are acorns.  We have a gazillion acorns this year.  They said went lots of acorns fall, there will be a tough winter ahead.  We shall see....
 Wheelbarrow fulls.......
 Dumping them in the firepit............where else??
 Kevin and his latest Home Depot purchase, a nut grabber, to roll across the lawn.

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