Saturday, October 25, 2014

Art of Animation

After much research, we decided to stay at Disney's Art of Animation Resort on property.  (Thanks Powell and Bachmeier families for your suggestion!!)  It seemed like the best set up for young kids and with my parents traveling along with us on the vacation.  Well, I figured nothing is small at Disney, but man, this place blew me away!  It was a mile walk from our building to my parents.  Luckily, a path not frequently traveled since we met at the main building's transportation post on days of parks or just at the pool/cafeteria in the middle on other days.  However, I still laugh at the fact that my parents did the trek from our room to theirs after our first day at the park not really knowing the distance.  Hearing my dad talk about it is quite humorous!
 Themed rooms.....hotel room style or family suite.   My parents stayed in the Little Mermaid section.  We were in the Cars.  In between there was Lion King and Finding Nemo.  Right up kids alleys!
 You receive magic bands now.  These are your room keys, admission tickets, credit name it!  We lived in them this week.  I have to admit, they certainly made things real easy.
 Walking from the car to the Cars building with our first load of luggage.
 We were in the McQueen building.  Boys loved the cars and decorations scatter amongst the grounds.  You'll see many of those pictures throughout our time there.
 Our room was decked out, too.  It is so hard for you to see all the details because I didn't take up close photos, but from carpet to the dressers, everything somehow related to the Cars.
 This might look like our kitchen table, but it is actually the boys bed!  It folds down and you better believe this was cool for Trenton and Bennett.  (The sofa also made into a bed, so the suite slept 6 but the boys slept very well together so we left them in one bed.)  They also had their own bath, which was amazing because we could get up earlier and shower and not disturb the boys at all.  You know they need their beauty sleep for Disney or they might melt down!
 Looking around our bedroom.  The lamps were cones....that's one detail you can see in this picture.
The living room had a kitchenette with a mini fridge, microwave, sink and coffee pot.  I will let you know the Little Mermaid rooms did not have coffee pots. (I know, surprising!)  So bring one if you want it.  My parents did.

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