Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tidbits on the Boys

Our newest favorite is coming home after early service church and making a brunch then eating it together on the screened in porch.  The weather has certainly enticed us to go this route.  It's so relaxing and good family time.  With baseball taking up so much of our time, it tends to work out perfectly with naps and practice, too.  
The boys help make the pancake batter for brunch today.  Then, Trenton becomes my extra special helper and sets the table.  He loves bringing all the things out and setting the table up....I hope this lasts long!  Haha!
 Sitting around ready to eat on such a nice morning.
 The boys ventured to the corner of the deck to play in the sandbox.  Seems like it had been awhile since we played in it.  Boys had a good time. his blonde surfer look and peter pan/john john outfits.  Not much longer of this baby stage so I milk it for all it is worth!  It's especially difficult since he's potty trained.  I feel like his is losing his baby-ness.  :(  He is Mr. Independent.  He'll tell you to leave a stall in the restroom then stuggle pulling up his pants because he doesn't want any assistance (all while you are watching him through the crack) but he's certainly persistent and bound and determined to do it all by himself.  He's 2 going on 5.  Consequently, he is extremely proud once he does.  He'll pat to himself and shout, "ME!" He says 3-4 word sentences, knows his colors, can find the letter B anywhere, and is so observant.  "Momma" has recently changed to "Mommy" and he's loud and clear when he wants me.  He has a vibrant imagination and prefers to hang with older kids.  He is still our fabulous little eater, chowing down on just about anything, and follows in my condiment food steps.  He is a backseat driver constantly saying, "Green, go now." and gets super excited if any dog is in eyesight.  Although slightly reserved, he is comfortable without me if the setting is right.  He fully embraces the nursery at church and enjoys our sitter, Ms. Buckler.  He can manage with less sleep, yet still clings to his 3 hr afternoon nap.  We won't be dropping that anytime soon thankfully!  He's easy to bed at night, especially with routine of rocking, praying, talking.  Lay the child down awake and he's good for the 10-11 hr night.  He often calls out at night and you go in to find him curled up in a ball outside of the blanket.  You cover the cold child up and he's good to go.  He sleeps later than Trenton now and will cuddle with you briefly when he wakes.  Then, he is full steam.  He loves stuffed animals, swords, hats, books, balls.....sounds pretty much like any boy.  He is oh so thoughtful.  Bennett will never get something without getting another for his brother.  He climbs in the car all on his own and wants you to buckle Trenton in first before he sits in his carseat.  Bolt is currently his favorite movie and Curious George is his favorite show.....followed by Super Why and Paw Patrol.  He's lovable and just a joy! his fratastic shag.  He's full of words (which he always has been) but on a whole other level.  He can talk to you about anything and is growing up too, too fast!  He'll surprise you with his vocabulary and knowledge.  He picks up on things fast, but becomes frustrated easily displaying a piece of his perfectionist personality.  He loves to help and shows he is the first born quite well with his commands.  He still cannot go without naps, that is, unless you are able to put him to bed by 6 (impossible!)  He'll nap 2-3 hrs with his brother, still allowing a wonderful midday break for you.  Unfortunately, he lays him bed hrs after bed time talking/singing to himself.  Lights are out, but he's wide awake.  I'm sure we'll lose the naps this year, but because he's such an early riser, we just aren't there yet.  He eats tons of fruit (at least 5 different ones a day!) but is pickier with types of things (ex mac and cheese, pasta, pizza)  He's slowly becoming self sufficient and can get particular snacks all by himself.  He is encouraged to dress himself and just needs help identifying which foot for shoes.  He loves to copy his name if the letters are visible and is a confident drawer.  He puts his energy to good use in the classroom and is a on task, participating, team player in the classroom.  Trenton comes home with lots of positive comments.  He enjoys games, real ones or completely created by himself.  He flocks to older kids, oblivious to the age difference, which is odd since he has a younger brother.  At the same time, he is nurturing and gentle with younger kids/babies.  He is on the go, full speed a lot.  He'll settle down only to watch a show before bed or with snacks.  He agrees with Bennett on Curious George but will encourage other movies like Despicable Me 2 or another common kids' film.  He has learned the task of manipulating situations with Bennett and can work out a trade to his benefit.  I'm not complaining because it is smart and both kids are happy.  He so sweet and still publicly a hugger and kisser.   He'll climb on your lap or grab your hand randomly.   I treasure these moments!

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