Saturday, November 8, 2014

Leaf Pile

Divide and conquer.  That is sometimes Kevin and my motto with two boys.  We love the fact that we are not outnumbered.  Haha!  Bennett chose to go grocery shopping with me (I'm sure it was the thought of a cookie) and Trenton stayed at home with Daddy to work in the yard.  When we got home, we found Trenton and Daddy busy making a leaf pile.  The boys had a great time playing in it!
 Daddy blowing the leaves.
 Trenton raking.....except they could only find a broom, so he's sweeping them.  :)  Resourceful!
 Bennett took his balloon from Publix and jumped right in the fun with them.
B didn't put the balloon down for the longest.  
Making the pile even bigger!
 I laughed at how silly the boys looked but they were having a fabulous time.  Trenton with a cowboy hat and sword, Bennett with his balloon and sunglasses.  Whatever works, right?
 A big brother would do this........No Ten-ten......
 Ka-Pow!  B's covered in leaves.
 But, he loved it!
 They wrestled around and threw leaves on top to bury each other.
Well, that's one thing to check off our fall bucket list!

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