Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Santa Breakfast

What a treat!  The elves put on a breakfast for the boys at our friend's the Powell's grandparents house.  We were extremely honored to be invited and couldn't believe that Santa stopped by.  Thank you elves for inviting him and all the yummy food!
 Bennett and Trenton eating their breakfast that the elves had made.
The sunroom was festive and cute as can be!
 There's Eli, the Powell boy's elf.
 And Chippey, our elf was in a tree.
 Look who is here?!  Santa made a special appearance!
 The kids gathered around and Santa used his naughty or nice detector to examine their behavior.
 Trenton loved holding Santa's very own bells.
 Santa read the kids Twas the Night Before Christmas and they all listened so well.
 Out came the rudolph noses.  What a fun event!
 Silly reindeer faces with Santa Claus!
 Bennett and my friend JJ's daughter, Elliot
 Trenton and you think they are happy?
 I love Bennett's hands clasped excitedly together!  Family santa portrait.
 Santa with all of us Opa, Granna, Daddy, Mommy and the boys.
 We then got dressed for the rest of the fun.
 The kids watching the man in red.....intensely!
 Singing carols together and playing with reindeer animals.
 Then, they all received a special present from Santa himself!
 Bennett got a spiderman stunt buggy and Trenton got Blade the Rescue Bot!  Woo hoo!
 Time to thank Santa for our wonderful gifts and special time with him!
Wagers and Powells...Hudson, Bennett, Rollins, Sawyer, and Trenton.

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