Sunday, December 7, 2014

B-ball, Advent Candles and Bethlehem Walk

The boys woke up from late naps today.  We played basketball outside in the driveway before eating our family dinner with the 1st advent candle.  Trenton was thrilled to light a candle!  Then, we went to Bethlehem Walk down the street.  
 Gearing up for basketball season!
 Look at that form! :)
 We played a game where if you made it, you took a step back and kept going until you missed.  I think 3 was the magic number for Trenton.
 Candle 1
 Entering the town
 Bennett eyeing the guards.  He was slightly intimidated before we talked to him about them
 Getting camel lotion.....
 Obtaining biblical names.......we chose our middle names.
 Trenton filling out the scribe.
 Bennett petting the dove.
 Listening to the Christmas story live.
All during a full moon!  What a beautiful night!

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