Thursday, December 11, 2014

Garden Lights, Holiday Nights Tradition

We are staying at Granna and Opa's while the last stretch of our house renovations are completed.  We are thankful they always welcome us back.  Tonight we went to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens for their magnificent lights display.  Kevin met us there after work.  It is a fun tradition to continue with the boys.
 Arriving at the Gardens
 Garden Lights, Holiday Nights is full of excitement for families.
 Walking through the canopy.
 Seeing the Greek Goddess lit up with blue.
 Walking through the frog pond.
 And seeing huge frog light displays.
 They were cool and creative.
 Back through the canopy towards the other sections.
 Bennett and Trenton staying warm in their coats, hats and mittens.
 Seeing the unicorn.
 Watching the model trains.  Each time a train came around the corner, Bennett shrieked with glee.
 We were up here forever!  The boys, Trenton especially, tried to help the workers fix any trains that were off track.
 It was a clear night so gorgeous to see the skyline in the distance.
 Creating the magnetic snowman.
 Then the gingerbread man.
 At this point we were stalling in the area while waiting for Daddy to arrive.  The boys went crazy adding anything and everything to their gingerbread men.
 Bennett and Mommy walking through the lights.
 Stopping to see the tree lights reflection in the still fountain water below.  It appeared to go on and on forever.
 View at the horticulture center of the dancing lights.  Music played in tune as the lights glowed and blinked with the beat of the music.  Beautiful to watch.  Trenton said it was his favorite part.
 Walking through the edible garden.  A beet recipe we want to try.  We love roasted vegetables and avocados make everything better!
 The bugs in the garden.
 A family kiss under the mistletoe and the cute puppy near the cafe.

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