Friday, December 19, 2014

GiGi Fun

GiGi was here this week so she took the boys to many cool places.  Bennett got to go everywhere.  Trenton had preschool 4 of the days so unfortunately, he missed out.
GiGi took Bennett to Lenox for the Macy's Pink Pig ride.
Bennett with Priscilla the Pig and his ride ticket.  He looks excited!  Then, to the carpool line to pick Trenton up from preschool.
 Story and Music time at the library is always fun.  They built blocks after.
 Friday, both went to Tiny Tots at the Kennesaw Sparkles skating rink.  It was perfect!  They loved the indoor playground and open skating rink for ride on toys.
 There were Christmas activities for the holidays.  The boys got to sit on Santa's lap.
This video of the boys making reindeer food is hilarious!  Bennett took shaking the reindeer food seriously!

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