Saturday, January 10, 2015

5 Years Old

Not another year!  I'm shocked that Trenton is already 5!  He is so very precious to us and God truly blessed us with his chipper attitude and continuous smile.  He's about 40 lbs and 42 in....officially we will find it all out at his 5 year old well check later this month.  He is still extremely loving.  He'll wrap his little arms around you and say, "Mommy, I love you!" He never skips a morning hug or bedtime kiss.  Don't even think about leaving without giving this little boy some love either.  I'm holding on tight to these attributes! 

Without a doubt he is considerate (and partly nosy.)  If another child is upset, he takes time to find out why.  Then, he tries to help them, and genuinely wants to make everything all better for them.  He'll be the first to assist his little brother at a difficult task.  Bennett sometimes declines this help because of his ever-growing independence.  Trenton's dimples melts my heart daily and I love his energy to care for others.  He'll certainly make every child or adult feel welcome in our home.  

So, what are Trenton's favorites......climbing trees, wearing hoodies, dressing up for pretend, jumpy houses, knock-knock jokes, milk,  M&Ms, marshmallows, apples, bologna sandwiches, yogurt smoothies, popcorn, swords, books, Bible stories, dancing, figurines, building things, and ordering Bennett around.  Does that count?  

What has Trenton done this year for the 1st time?  He now sits with us a church until children's time, then returns to FUSE.  He is in preschool 5 days a week 9-12.  Soccer and Baseball were added to the list of sports.  I'm sure there's more but those are the main ones.

Challenges.....when he naps, he usually doesn't fall asleep at bedtime until close to 9.  (If he doesn't nap he's fast asleep by 6:30.)  So, we haven't officially dropped naps.  It just depends on the day.  He's a picky eater.  Likes lots of fruit, so eats healthy, but is very much a "kid" food eater not into whatever Kevin and I have for dinner.  He's a bit of a perfectionist so gets frustrated easily.  We'll put that characteristic to good use!  

Every year, there is something that is popular with the boys.  It's not that the old things died off really, yet new trends took hold.  This year, Star Wars was big.  We have had all Uncle Brad's 1980s toys out at Granna and Opa's house, last Christmas Trenton received Playskool's recent 3+ version of the characters and spacecrafts, he partook in Jedi Academy at Disney, he dressed like Star Wars for Halloween with Bennett, has started watching the new Disney Junior series Star Wars Rebels, so how could we NOT have a Star Wars themed birthday.  This is just the beginning.....

 Star Wars trading cards and Stormtrooper masks to go with all Trenton's birthday presents.
Ripping into presents.
It was hard to make Bennett understand that these were Trenton's gifts.  Trenton was nice and allowed Bennett to open one himself.
Trenton loved Baymax so we got him a t-shirt.  Granna and Opa came over baring more gifts and their infamous number balloon.
Opa brought the cake and Granna made a puppet theatre for the boys.
A show was immediately put on with the new 3 little pigs and big bad wolf.
Trenton and Bennett with their R2D2 and Yoda shirts on.  Daddy had to work, so e're we went with Opa and Granna IHop for breakfast pancakes.  Trenton beamed as they sang to him there.

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