Friday, February 20, 2015

Oh, What a Week!

My friend put it perfectly.  When it rains, it pours.  That's the kind of week we have had.  It started with Trenton throwing up Monday afternoon.  Then, the "predicted" snowstorm came, but we really just got ice that night.  Crashing trees and Trenton continuing to be sick kept me up much of the night.  School was again canceled and with Trenton still getting sick, we went to the doctor.  Come to find out, Trenton had strep.  I was not familiar until kids, but throwing up and strep go hand in hand.  Perfect.  We have answers so let's treat it and clorox the house.  I stayed home with him since he was contagious for 24 hours.  All clear, right?  Nope.  Trenton stayed sick, and it was at this time that the nurse line and I concluded he had a stomach bug and strep at the same time.  Zofran and amoxicillin should do the trick.  Needless to say, the next day came and Kevin and I started to ache and get the chills, and Bennett began to run a fever.  Then, late Thursday night, Bennett throws up.  This was a joke.  All 4 of us have this horrendous stomach bug.  Friday, Trenton seemed over it, so Kevin, who was miserable stayed home from work and dropped him off a preschool.  I was still struggling, but had to take Bennett to the doctor to test for strep.  (He luckily was negative to strep and the flu, and just had the stomach bug.)  With a little zofran, pediatlyte and BRAT diet, we'll all be back to normal soon, right? Wrong.  Friday afternoon, as we begin to think we are in the clear, Trenton throws up again.  We were clearly struggling.  So, the 4 of us stayed in our contaminated house, steering clear from all life forms out of fear of spreading germs.  The house was lysoled for the gazillionth time and by Monday, we all entered back into the "real" world cautious of eating a single thing with fear of how our body would handle it.  
Before we realized quite how dramatic our week was going to be, Trenton, Bennett and I snuggle up to watch a movie.
 Snapped tree that somehow managed to fall over our neighbor's back fence and into their yard not damaging a thing.
 More downed limbs, some huge in size throughout our backyard.
 Poor Trenton at the doctor Tuesday.
 Bennett Thursday running his fever and Mommy aching.
 But, happy as can be at the doctor with 102 fever and an empty stomach.  We lived in pjs all week.
Grabbing bland mashed potatoes to take home after the doctor.  We need change up our week's diet of rice, bananas, bread, crackers and applesauce.

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