Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Who Would Have Thought?

We would have our biggest snow of the year on the day of Trenton's surgery. Why does it happen like that?  We're thankful we were able to appreciate it and enjoy it the best we could.  
Around 4 pm the snow started, and the flakes were huge!  Poor Bennett had to wait for Daddy to get home from work because Trenton was still napping, and I needed to be able to hear if he woke and needed me because of his surgery.
Daddy saved the day and got home within 10 mins of the huge flakes.  Bennett had so much fun playing in the snow with him!
 Then, Trenton woke and saw them outside.  Pitiful.  Who couldn't let their child out in that?  We just had to be extra careful and keep him by our side.
So, the smile returned and we cautiously let Trenton walk around.  We'd hand him snow balls so he didn't have to bend down.
I'm so glad Trenton was feeling well enough to enjoy it.  It was beautiful and is so exciting for children this age.  We certainly would have missed out!
All in all we had about 3 inches at our house with big flurries falling for a good couple hours.  However, it was short lived.  By nightfall, the snow was rain, and consequently, somewhat melting the snow that was already on the ground.  Boo! :(
A little view of our snow day.

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