Friday, March 6, 2015

Another Week of Being Sick!

You think we had our fair share of sicknesses this winter, but no, it's back, and in full force!
Bennett may have throw up in his hair and be sporting a size 5T shirt, but this little guy didn't let a day of throwing up get to him.  I gave him his throw up bag for the carride home for the sitter's house.  He proceeded to put it on his head and say that he was Cat in the Hat.  (Tuesday)
 Trenton camping out on the bathroom floor because he doesn't feel well. (Thursday)
ER visit per Pediatric Surgeon's request to get a stomach x-ray since he began having persistent vomiting. (middle of the night Thursday into Friday wee hours) and had just had stomach surgery a week ago.
Zofran and popsicles are the magic drugs around our house.  Then, Trenton is back to his usual self, and happy to be Cat in the Hat like Bennett was the other day. You see, throw up bags are valuable to us right now, and I wouldn't let Trenton waste one and play with it in the car earlier in the week when he was completely fine.  Unlimited supply here at the ER, though!  We stocked up because our our track record!
Trenton says he feels here now (good!)  Time to go home and sleep!  It's nearly 2 am!.....oh yeah and Kevin texts us while we are leaving to ask whether or not he should bring Bennett to ER.  He's throwing up.....again!  Really, it's never-ending!!!!

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