Saturday, March 21, 2015

Baseball Season #2....The Cardinals

It's baseball time again for the Wagers!  Trenton played in his first games this week.  Most of the season has been missed due to weather (snow, cold or rain) but then he had his hernia surgery so we missed a couple other games.  I'm not sure if Trenton enjoyed being back out on the field or seeing his buddies again.  
 Batter up!  We were 2 for 2 at coach pitch hits this game!
 Ready to run.
 Running and having another player from the other team race him to 3rd (but without the ball) Haha!
 Rounding to home!  Score!

Trenton's hit, followed by his run to 2nd after his teammate hits.
 Trenton and Luke in the out field.
 I love that they didn't see me taking their pictures as they did their hand shakes!  Adorable!

 Their friendship is great!  They have fun together but are never too crazy and always listen to adults.
  Then there is snack time!
And Trenton's #1 fans.....Opa and Granna!  We love that they come to watch Trenton's games. They're so supportive and encouraging!  We laugh on the sidelines together as we watch these 5/6 year olds attempt the "major leagues."

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