Thursday, April 2, 2015

4K Class Easter Party

If I can volunteer, I love to!  It was special joining Trenton's class for an hour to partake in their Easter party.  He was beyond thrilled that I was the helper, which made me so happy.
 Trenton eating his Easter snacks after I read God Gave Us Easter to the class.
 Going on an egg hunt......
 In search on their one, large, special egg.  At first it was a hard concept to grasph--only 1 egg--but then the goodies inside took over and the kids were fine.  :)  
 Class picture in front the log cabin church where the kids have chapel.
 4K preschool class showing off their eggs.
Then acting silly with their homemade whiskers.
Whascally rabbit!
Buds for 2 years in a row....Hudson, Trenton and Timmy
 Essential Question: Where do you go on Easter Sunday morning?
Trenton and his response!  I love his dot art!  They are so cool and successful through that unique program.  We have his art posted around the house and in frames for the various holidays.

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