Friday, April 3, 2015

Hippity, Hoppity Easter's on its Way!

Holy Week was happening with the Wagers'.  Trenton really enjoyed learning more about Jesus' death and resurrection this year.  He is so curious and absorbs information like a sponge!  We discussed Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday more in depth this year and he also was able to take part in several events.  He looked (glanced might be a better term) at the Stations of the Cross at our church,  The captions with the pictures weren't child-friendly enough to hold his complete attention, but we went.  He also claims his favorite book right now is God Gave Us Easter, which goes through the reasoning of Easter appropriate for a preschooler's mind.  Ms. Buckler did projects with the kids and Trenton's class sang a beautiful song, "He Is Risen!" which I heard on the day of the Easter party.  We got some bonus Easter celebrations in as well with the Tiny Tots Easter party at Sparkles Skating Center.
Ms. Buckler and the boys with their bunny masks. 
 Bennett skating for the first time.  He liked to just collect the abandoned skating walkers on the rink.  Haha!
 Pictures with the Easter bunny and our friends the Nurnbergs (Nicholas and Noah)
 The egg hunt on the floor for the 0-3 year olds and the 4-5 year olds was in the arcade area.
 Both boys came out with a bucket of eggs and smiling faces.
 Each has the special glittery eggs, too, but Bennett came out the big winner with a free Tiny Tot birthday party!
Nicholas and Trenton enjoyed playing a bit in the arcade.  Anyone up for air hockey?

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