Saturday, April 2, 2011

Callaway Gardens

We took a trip with our family friends the Vasells this weekend. We went to Callaway Gardens, about an hour and a half south of Atlanta. We enjoyed biking the trails, touring the horticulture center, visiting the butterfly house, hiking the azalea bowl, and just spending time with our friends. It was perfect because the boys are just a little over two months apart. Not only did we enjoy the beautiful spring weather, but the azaleas and flowers were in full bloom and a gorgeous sight to witness! It was nice to get in a little exercise, too. Trenton relaxed so much on the bike ride that he even fell asleep on the back. I'm sure it helped that it was nap time and he was already exhausted from running around outside the butterfly house. It was also nice hanging out around the cottage, because the boys had the time of their lives playing with each other. They were such copycats! If one picked up a remote, the other would find a remote from the bedroom. If one ran out onto the deck, the other followed right behind. At times, we joked around that they were texting each other when they'd both have cell phones in their hands and be messing with the buttons simultaneously. It was easy entertainment. We certainly hit Callaway at just right time! What a fun trip! The azaleas were gorgeous!
Trenton walked through the mazes of azaleas.

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton in the Azalea Bowl.

Our family with the Vasells.

Trenton and Will copied each other all weekend long.

Mommy and Trenton with the chicks.

Daddy and Trenton with the bunny.

Trenton fast asleep on his bike ride.

Mr. Peter and Daddy trucking down the path with the boys on the back.

Outside the butterfly house.

Will and Trenton played peek-a-boo with the head holes.

Trenton running to see Daddy.

Trenton loved his lunch break since he got to hold his own wrap himself and eat the entire thing on his own time. Thank you Mrs. Angel for introducing the yummy Mexican wraps to me--I want Mommy to make them all the time now!

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