Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pine Mountain Wild Animal Safari

The second day down in Pine Mountain we went to the Wild Animal Safari. We went through the walk-through section of the park first. Trenton was in awe of the baby giraffe and the kangaroos. He would bounce on your hip as he watched the kangaroos jump around their exhibit. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed seeing the Liger, although they were lazy and not roaming around their cage.

The next part of the Safari was the highlight. We rode on a "zebra" bus with painted stripes and knocked out windows through the acres of roaming animals. Water buffalo, giraffe, zebras, longhorns, ostriches, rams, boars, a hippo, and numerous other animals would come up to the vehicle to be fed. He was amazed at the huge animals were and probably their unique appearance. Initially, Trenton would just hold onto the food when the animals approached the bus, not realizing it was for them. However, he finally got the point of tossing out the food after watching others. It was neat to see him so excited!

Starting the Pine Mountain Wild Animal Safari walk-through.

It's the Liger, the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger.

There was a baby giraffe born half a year ago.

Daddy and Trenton wave to the baby giraffe.

The giraffe finally got up and came to see us. Trenton liked petting her!

Apparently this is a lucky longhorn because of its horns.

Wow, the giraffes were huge!

Trenton feeds the longhorn.

We kept telling him they were Opa's longhorns. Hook 'em horns!

Here you can see the vehicles. They were either bus, minivans, or bigger vans.

Trenton got excited about animals were coming.

He has the food chips ready to feed the next animals.

Trenton stared curiously when the animals ate their food.

He had such a good time!

Feeding the zebra.

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