Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayers, Please

As some of you know, Trenton had an eye doctor's appointment when we returned from the lake after the 4th. His pupils are asymetrical, which is common, and we wanted them to have further attention. However, from the examination, the eye doctor wants to refer Trenton to Emory where they will perform additional testing. The additional testing is to hopefully rule out Horner's Syndrome, a life-threatening illness. Please pray that the procedures preformed at Emory do not prove the assymetical pupils are related to Horner's Syndrome. His appointment is this Friday.


  1. My family and I will be praying for little Trenton and your family during this time. Best wishes on his apppointment.

  2. We are praying for Trenton. Love you all! Please keep me updated.

    Love you!
