Saturday, July 16, 2011

Surfing Center Hill

It was yet another nice weekend up at the houseboat. We enjoyed celebrating PaPaw's 60th birthday with yummy cake. Then, the rest of the weekend was spent on the water. Trenton got in his first surf run with Daddy. At one years old, we have to say he is a brave boy. You ask him if he wants to do something and he quickly nods and recites "k" could you turn that precious face down. And somehow, everything is super fun to him. Looks like our little daredevil may follow in his Daddy's footsteps on the lake!

Singing Happy Birthday to PaPaw!

A foot and a half tall and surfing.....go Trenton!

He didn't quite know what to think of the water splashing around him on the surf run.

Big boy enjoys the boat ride back to the houseboat.Trenton is definitely a water-loving Wagers!

GiGi and Trenton ask for more food for the ducks. Trenton learned sign language early on and "more" has really stuck with him. He asks for more when eating, when music is playing and he's dancing, when he wants to do something name it.

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