Saturday, January 16, 2010

Finalizing the Nursery

Daddy had to go to work today but Opa came over to help around the house. There were still a few things left to hang in the nursery. We were waiting, of course, to learn if we were having a boy or a girl for the name and a couple other pieces of decor. Daddy got home in the afternoon and could help with the last of the tasks.

In the morning, some of Mommy's friends stopped by to see the new addition to the family. Later, Aunt Suzy and GiGi happened to be in town visiting friends for the long weekend, so they were able to stop by. Trenton enjoyed seeing GiGi again and meeting his aunt for the first time!

Opa helps hang the wooden artwork in the nursery.
Opa helps arrange and measure the letters.

Daddy gets home just in time to finish Trenton's name above the crib.

The bookcase wall.
The changing table/dresser wall.
Cheryl, Grayson, and Tobin stop by to visit Trenton.

Trenton with GiGi...he smiled at her six times she says! Grandmas always keep count!

Trenton with Aunt Suzy

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